Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I can't sleep!!!

I cannot believe my baby is one years old!!! I literally can't wrap my mind around it. I can't even sleep!!! The time went by so quickly and I feel like I missed so much, but I was with her everyday. We have her big party on Saturday and I'm not even stressed about it, but I am very anxious. My house is a wreck and I really don't care at the moment! I bet I will on Saturday!!!! Jorja is at this great age! She is so happy and funny! I am so glad I get to stay at home with her! I had so much fun with Jorja today. She woke up speaking a new language! It was weird??? She said the same line allllll day "tickkllle ticklle ticklle" I was cracking up all day. We went to music class today and for the first time, Jorja made it through class without throwing a fit! We do a song about dogs and what they say, all Jorja knows is that dogs wag their tongues. So she sticks her tongue out and pants like a dog when every other child is barking. Her teacher thought it was really funny and I have to admit I was kind of proud!!! I think I'm finally tired now. Goodnight.

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